UAB Danrida privacy policy

General information

This privacy policy governs the Website User's basic principles and procedures for the collection, processing and storage of personal data.

Personal data is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Union (hereinafter - the Regulation), the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts regulating the protection of personal data.

The controller of your personal data, determining the purposes and means of processing your personal data, is UAB Danrida(hereinafter - the Company) (legal entity code: 305220590, registered office address: Draugystės str.15, Kaunas, telephone No. +370-686-30000, e-mail address:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

It is important that you read the Privacy Policy carefully, as the terms and conditions set out in it apply every time you purchase goods in our online store by visiting our website (www.setascout.com). Please read the current version of this Privacy Policy regularly, as its content may change in the future.

By providing their Personal Data on the Website, Users agree that Danrida.lt will manage and process them for the purposes, means and procedures provided for in this Privacy Policy and legal acts.


User - a natural person visiting the website of the online store and / or a natural person seeking and / or acquiring the goods sold by the Company and / or receiving the services provided by the Company.

Recipient of personal data - a legal or natural person to whom personal data about the User is provided.

Personal data - any information relating to a natural person - a data subject whose identity is known or can be established directly or indirectly by means of data such as a personal code, one or more personal, physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social data signs.

Data Recipient - a legal or natural person to whom the Data Controller provides personal data.

An Online Store Account is an account for logging in to the Online Store Website, which is created by the User's active actions according to the sequence of actions specified on the Online Store Website and which stores the User's Personal Data and order history.

A cookie is a small text file that is sent to each User's device from which they access the Online Store website and is temporarily stored on that device.

Direct marketing is the activity of offering goods and services to individuals and / or seeking their opinion on the goods or services offered by post, telephone or other means.

A partner of the Company is a person who supplies goods or services to the Company with whom joint actions or projects may be carried out.

Information society services are services normally provided for remuneration, by electronic means and at a distance, at the individual request of a recipient of an information society service.

An IP address is a unique number that identifies a computer, phone, tablet, or other device that connects to the Internet. An IP address can be used to identify the country where your computer connects to the Internet.

A browser is an application that helps you access web pages on the web, on your personal computer, or on your phone.

Account - the result of the User's registration on the Website, when the User's profile is created, which protects his / her personal data and use of the Website services.

Privacy Policy - this document, which sets out the basic rules for the collection, storage, processing and storage of Personal Data applicable to Users using the Website.

Principles of personal data protection

When collecting and using your personal data provided by you, as well as from other sources, we follow the following basic data processing principles:

  • Principle of legality, fairness and transparency: Your personal data is processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner.
  • Purpose limitation principle: Your personal data is collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes.
  • Data minimization principle: Your personal data must be adequate, relevant and only necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.
  • Principle of accuracy: personal data processed must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
  • Retention limitation principle: Your personal data is stored securely and in such a form that it can be identified for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which your personal data are processed.
  • Integrity and confidentiality: Your personal data is processed in such a way as to ensure adequate security of personal data through appropriate technical or organizational measures, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage. Your personal data is processed only by those employees of the Company who have been granted such a right in accordance with their work functions or data processors who provide services to the Company and process personal data on behalf of the Company and for the benefit of the Company or you.

The company is responsible for compliance with the principles (accountability principle).


In order for the User to be provided with the Company's Online Store services in full, Cookies may be stored on the User's device that connects to the Online Store with the User's consent.

A cookie is a small, alphanumeric document that is stored on your browser or your computer's hard drive. Different cookies are used for different purposes. Cookies also help to distinguish you from other users of the website. If the User agrees that Cookies are stored on the terminal device used by him, the User must click "I agree on the use of cookies", and if the User does not agree that Cookies are stored, the User must click "I do not agree on the use of cookies".

 The cookies used by the Company are intended for the transmission of information via an electronic communications network. Other Type of Cookie - to collect information to calculate traffic (collect statistical information), provide content that is of interest to the User and save the visit history. If the User has agreed to the Cookies being stored on the terminal device used by the User, the User has the right to revoke the given consent at any time by clicking the "Cancel use of cookies" link or changing the settings of his / her web browser, but in certain cases certain functions of the Online Store may not work.

Collection, storage and use of personal data

The Company receives Users' Personal Data in three ways when:

  • The user provides information about himself.
  • Data related to the User is generated automatically when the User uses the Online Store website.
  • User data is obtained from third parties.

Persons wishing to register on the Website must provide their e-mail address, a fictitious Username and password. During the registration, an Account is created, in which the User can specify additional personal data of the User, such as name, surname, date of birth, gender, city (place of residence), etc. The User may at any time adjust, complete or delete his Account with all the data contained therein.

The User address and / or computer IP address provided in the Account may be used to locate the User. The Website Administrator may receive information from the User's mobile device to determine the User's location only with the prior consent of the User.

Danrida.lt collects, stores and manages any Personal Data provided in the User's Account and received by the Users using the Website for the following purposes:

  • Providing Users with access to the Website.
  • For the purpose of efficient provision of the services offered on the Website. Danrida.lt takes care that the use of the Website is effective, as well as that it is possible to prevent identity theft and cases of fraud and / or dishonesty.
  • In order to ensure continuous improvement and development of the Website, Danrida.lt has the right to use Personal Data and for the purposes of Direct Marketing of its services, when the User does not object and expresses his consent.
  • Danrida.lt stores Personal Data of Users for 3 (three) months from the cancellation of the Account on the Website or 3 (three) years from the last User login to the Account on the Website, except for the cases provided for in the Privacy Policy, Danrida.com general rules or legal acts be stored for a longer period.

Provision of personal data

Danrida.com informs that it does not transfer Personal Data to third parties located both in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania and in the countries of the European Union and other foreign countries, neither for remuneration nor for remuneration or otherwise, except for the following cases:

  • if the User's consent to disclose his / her Personal Data has been obtained,
  • recipients of personal data - in order to achieve the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy;
  • for law enforcement institutions - in accordance with the procedure provided for by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania;
  • for other persons - in cases provided by law.

The User's Personal Data is provided to the Member States of the European Union or other foreign countries under the same conditions and in the same manner as to the recipients of Personal Data in the Republic of Lithuania and only for the purposes provided for in this Privacy Policy and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

The User agrees that Danrida.com, in order to protect its Users from fraud, identity theft and other violations, will collect data on User behavior, including but not limited to whether the respective person violates Danrida.lt general rules and other mandatory rules of the Website and such collected data. will create a "black base" on this basis. This "black database" is used to protect other Users of the Website, whose correspondence is analyzed by an automatic system searching for data from the "black database", and in other cases of prevention.

Protection of personal data

The Site Administrator will make every effort to ensure that the Personal Data provided by the User is protected from any illegal actions: illegal alteration, disclosure or destruction of Personal Data, identity theft, fraud and that the level of protection of Personal Data complies with the Republic of Lithuania legal requirements.

The User undertakes and must store his / her login password and login name, as well as other data. The User undertakes and must not disclose Personal Data to any other third parties, either about himself or about third parties, if such Personal Data of third parties became available to him, and immediately inform Danrida.lt about visible violations.

Danrida.lt shall not be liable if the User's personal data is unlawfully altered, disclosed, destroyed, the User's identity is stolen or otherwise fraudulently using the User's personal data, due to the User's own fault or negligence arising from the Privacy Policy, Danrida.lt general rules or other Website rules, or the consequence of non-compliance with the law, as well as the actions of any third parties.

Danrida.lt may use personal data for direct marketing purposes: to send newsletters, general and personal offers or other information that the user may be interested in. The user may at any time withdraw his objection / consent to the use of his data for Danrida.lt direct marketing purposes. To cancel all provided digital communication, this can be done by writing an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Company cares about the security and confidentiality of the User's Personal Data. In order to prevent unauthorized access to Personal Data or unlawful disclosure of Personal Data and to protect the available information, the Company has implemented appropriate technical and organizational security measures.

We note that although the Company endeavors to implement appropriate technical and organizational security measures, these or any other measures cannot guarantee complete security and cannot protect against all possible security breaches at any time.


For the purpose of e-commerce, we will process the data you provide during registration, as well as the data we receive when you purchase goods, including information about the goods you have purchased and data related to payment. If you do not provide your personal data during registration, we will not be able to identify you and sell you goods.

When you create your account on our website, we ask you to provide the following personal data - name, surname, login name, e-mail address, password, telephone number. If you purchase goods after creating an account on our website, please provide the billing address and delivery information: desired delivery time, other information relevant to the courier, personal data of the authorized person to collect the goods, which we need to fulfill your order and deliver the goods or indicate the place of collection of the goods.

In addition to the information you provide, we process information about what items you have purchased on our website. Information about your use of our website is collected through cookies and is described below in this Privacy Policy. When you make a payment for goods purchased on our website, we also receive personal data related to the payment, including the account number, the amount of the payment.

We will protect your personal data processed for this purpose for a maximum of 10 years from the date of your purchase, unless your obligations require us to process your personal data for longer than specified.

Sending newsletters and other direct marketing activities

If you are our customer, have subscribed to a newsletter on our website or otherwise expressed your willingness to receive direct marketing material, the personal information you voluntarily provide, including your email address and telephone number, will be used to provide contact information as well as through social networks, media channels and other similar electronic communication channels could provide you with information about goods and services, news, promotions, events or other information that constitutes direct marketing.

If you are our customer but have not objected to the processing of your data for direct marketing purposes, we will only process them for the marketing of similar goods and services.

The processing of your personal data for this purpose is based on your consent to the submission of your data and the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, or our legitimate interest in advertising, increasing sales (Article 6 (1) (a) of the Regulation) and (f) points).

Your personal data will be processed for direct marketing purposes for 5 years from the last day of communication with you. After the specified deadline, your personal data will be destroyed immediately. After your consent to the cancellation of the processing of personal data, we will destroy them automatically.

Every e-mail sent to you includes the option to opt out of direct marketing communications. You may also withdraw or revoke your consent by contacting the Company using the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy.


  • adress  Darugystės g. 15b.
  •          LT-51228 Kaunas
  •          Lietuva
  • phone  +370 686 30000
  • info  info (at) danrida.lt
  •          Write to us


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