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All product names, trademarks, logos and illustrations displayed on this site, which are owned by Danrida , are or will be the sole property of Danrida. Your access to this site is not to be construed as an endorsement, direct or indirect, of any license or right to use any trade names, trademarks, logos and illustrations displayed on this site without the prior written consent of Danrida. Unless otherwise stated, all trademarks on the Danrida websites are protected by trademark rights.

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The intellectual property found on Danrida.lt websites, such as patents, trademarks and copyrights, is protected. These websites do not authorize the use of the intellectual property of the Danrida Group or third party companies.


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The Website may contain links to other websites or web pages for the content of which Danrida is not responsible and for which this legal information does not apply. These links to the sites are provided for information purposes only and Danrida.lt shall not be liable for any damages or injuries resulting from your use of or links to such sites. Please note that by visiting such sites, you assume all responsibility.

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Contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about legal notice:

UAB Danrida
Draugystės st.15, LT-51228


  • adress  Darugystės g. 15b.
  •          LT-51228 Kaunas
  •          Lietuva
  • phone  +370 686 30000
  • info  info (at) danrida.lt
  •          Write to us


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